Subject Verb Agreement in Bangla

Subject-verb agreement is an essential aspect of grammar in any language, including Bangla. This agreement ensures that the subject and the verb in a sentence are correctly matched. In other words, the verb should agree with the subject in number, person, and tense.

In Bangla, subject-verb agreement is relatively simple compared to other languages. Here are some general rules to follow when it comes to subject-verb agreement in Bangla:

1. Agreement in number: Bangla has two numbers, singular and plural. Therefore, the verb should be singular when the subject is singular, and plural when the subject is plural.

For example, if the subject is „ami“ (I), the verb should be „ami jai“ (I go). But if the subject is „tumi“ (you), the verb should be „tumi jao“ (you go).

2. Agreement in person: The Bangla language has three persons, first person (I, we), second person (you), and third person (he, she, it, they). The verb should agree with the person of the subject.

For instance, if the subject is „ami“ (I), the verb should be „ami jai“ (I go). If the subject is „tumi“ (you), the verb should be „tumi jao“ (you go). But if the subject is „se“ (he/she/it), the verb should be „se jai“ (he/she/it goes).

3. Agreement in tense: Bangla has three tenses, present, past, and future. The verb should conjugate according to the tense of the subject.

For instance, if the subject is „ami“ (I) and the tense is present, the verb should be „ami jai“ (I go). If the tense is past, the verb should be „ami gelam“ (I went). And if the tense is future, the verb should be „ami jabo“ (I will go).

In conclusion, subject-verb agreement in Bangla is straightforward, as long as you follow these general rules. It is important to remember that the correct subject-verb agreement will improve the clarity and effectiveness of your writing. So, make sure to pay attention to the number, person, and tense of your subject and verb before finalizing any sentence.